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Energy for Kimbondo
2007 - 2017
Kimbondo Pediatric Hospital (Kinshasa – Democratic Republic of Congo)

​It was long ago, in 2007, when the InSé Onlus Foundation first started to equip the Kimbondo Pediatric Hospital with a generator to increase the power supply, thus solving the health and food emergencies of the time. Over the years, we have succeeded to improve the functioning of healthcare centres by supplying power to light dwellings and hospital pavilions, to power the activities of craftsmen and to assure a greater amount of water for drinking, farming and sanitary purposes.
More than ten years have now gone by since 2007 and if having a power supply is normal for us, in Countries like the Democratic Republic of Congo it is still too often an exception.
​In order not to waste the results achieved during those years and to promote the facility’s further development, in 2013 the need arose to more systematically meet the need of electricity.
So, in May 2016, the first containers with photovoltaic panels and the technical installation equipment were delivered to Kimbondo, while the shelter – hosting the plant’s electronic control panel – and the batteries enabling the panels to work were delivered in October 2017.
On 2 December 2017, the installation was finally inaugurated by local authorities and the Italian Ambassador in Kinshasa.
It is a relevant achievement for the Kimbondo Pediatric Hospital because it will significantly cut the economic resources which, from now on, will be reallocated to improve the health and living conditions of the children hosted.
Cost of the project: 500,000 Euros
A special acknowledgment goes to the supporters of the project: Terna, Terna Plus, Plc System, Fiamm, CR Project Service, Morelli Giorgio, Elfi, Sunspyre, Costruzioni Meccaniche, Miluma, Ducoli Meccanica, Fondazione InSé Onlus

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