The Fondazione InSé Onlus was founded in 2009 with the precise objective of extending the planning and operational capacities of the association "
Amici di Cortina" in the humanitarian field – principally in Africa, but also on Italian territory.
It was an operative but also strategic decision, which was derived from the evolution of the models of development aid as well as of international charity projects in general. In fact, the Fondazione InSé Onlus continues to reinforce the philosophy which has guided the operations of the association "Amici di Cortina" since its establishment in 2004: aiding the most needy social ranks of the world’s population through social and economic processes.
It is the same philosophy that forms the basis of the United Nations' Millennium Development Goals, which, despite the difficulties and delays encountered, remains the turning point of the idea that cooperation has to start from development models that are sustainable from a social, cultural, economic and environmental point of view.
Not just generic charity, but interventions with precise objectives directed at allocation the invested resources properly. Furthermore, InSé puts a lot of effort in the verification of the correct and efficient launch of the projects through accurate and constant monitoring and controlling.
The foundation operates with a strictly selected network of partners to achieve the prefixed objectives in a results-driven manner without loosing the focus of the principal value on which it is founded: solidarity.
InSé has furthermore maintained the collaborations with numerous organizations which had already partnered with the association "Amici di Cortina" and will work in partnership with further charitable foundations and important organizations like the World Food Program with the aim of positioning itself as a contact institution between big and small players in the world of solidarity. It will coordinate and help smaller partners with the realisation of their projects in order to avoid squandering efforts in unsustainable projects and it will invest itself to give bigger partners more visibility.
The cause of one of the foundation's last solidarity
project "hub for Mozambique", launched during the 2010 summer edition of "Cortina InConTra", has been embraced by a special patroness: Francesca Martini, deputy minister of health, who is personally supporting the activities of the Fondazione InSé Onlus on the African continent.
Iole Sacchi Cisnetto, President
Nicoletta Ricca Benedettini
Valentina Cisnetto
Mario De Simone
Massimo Ursino
Associazione Amici di Cortina